
Colima Cabernet Sauvignon

Say It
Say-REE-tas Ko-LEE-ma Kah-ber-NAY So-veen-YONG
Cabernet Sauvignon
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Palate Character

Balance & Finesse 2 Rich & Full 2 Light & Bright 2 Smooth & Silky 2 Round & Fleshy 2 Tone & Backbone 1 Powerful & Extracted 2 Bright & Crisp 2
Tone & Backbone
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This wine is of very limited quantity. As such, the Digital Somm did not get a taste, but you can! Unfortunately, while that means there is limited detailed information and no Digital Somm recommendations associated with rating the wine, you do still receive loyalty points, so cheer up!

Tasting Notes
Cabernet Sauvignon
Sonoma Coast, California
Cabernet Sauvignon
100% Ca-ber-NAY So-vee-NYON
Cabernet Sauvignon origins are from the Gironde in southwest France, but is now planted across the world in climates that accommodate this late ripening grape. It is the dominant grape in wines made in Bordeaux’s Médoc and Graves regions. This small, thick-skinned grape, produces darkly colored wine, high in tannin and relatively high in acidity with hallmark aromas of blackcurrant and can stylistically change from austere in its youth to lush depending on the region, and winemaking style.
Country / State


Sonoma Coast, California

The mission of John and Phoebe Raytek at Ceritas is to make single-vineyard pinot noir and chardonnay that truly embody the character of the terroir from where the grapes are grown. Seeing themselves as students of the vineyard, each vintage imparts a new understanding.

The team at Ceritas works closely with farmers to utilize biodynamic farming, allowing the specific location, soils, and vintage to express themselves. Their winemaking practice is not dogmatic, but they refrain from over-manipulation, allowing the wines to show their true colors. 

The small-production wines of Ceritas are special for their complexity, balance, and sense of place, with quality as the tie that binds each earnest cuvée.