Mencia is seeing something of a renaissance in Spain, specifically in the Bierzo, Ribeira Sacra, Monterrei and Valdeorras. Stylistically, it can vary from what was traditionally an aromatic and fruity red wine, and attractive rosé wines, to more intense, concentrated examples from low yielding vines, especially in Bierzo.
Garnacha Tintorera
30%Gar-NATCH-a TEEN-To-Err-Ra
Garnacha Tintorera, also known as Alicante Bouschet, is a unique red grape variety notable for its deeply colored flesh and juice, resulting in intensely dark and robust wines. Popular in Spain and Portugal, it is prized for its rich berry flavors, firm tannins, and full-bodied character, often used to add depth and color to blends.
Field Blend
10%Feeld Blend
Field Blend refers to a winemaking practice where multiple grape varieties are planted, harvested, and fermented together. This traditional method can create complex and harmonious wines with a unique blend of flavors, aromas, and textures, reflecting the diverse characteristics of the different grape varieties used.